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Journeys, flows & wires
Before every successful execution, there is a well thought out strategy. This includes outlining user journeys, drafting flows to capture all possible scenarios and instances in wireframes. Together, these sets of information tell the story not only of the business and its offerings, but also of its users’ goals and how they achieve them online.
User Journeys
A user journey is a series of steps which represent a path a user may take on your website.
They can be used for two main things:
Demonstrating the way users currently interact with the service / website / product
Demonstrating the way users could interact with the service / website / product
Drafting the journey helps to visually connect with the path and discover potential areas of improvement. Looking at the path, UX designers may discover roadblocks that can be opened up, a way to save steps on processes, and forks in the road that were not considered previously. Nothing is as straightforward as it may seem when we first build out a process. As our users change, so do their needs. Though analytics, we can revisit journeys and make revisions that align to users’ needs.
Wireframes: An Integral Part of the Process
Wireframes must express design ideas and should not miss any important parts. A wireframe is like a channel that helps team members understand their projects better, consider all use cases and plan ahead prior to the design and build phase. More often than not, seeing a visual representation of a page brings up questions and helps designers streamline experiences even further than what was previously done in the user flow phase of the project. When we see the paths we put together in front of us, we tend to empathize with the user; a step that allows us to really “walk in their footsteps” and review the elements properly.
Wireframes vs. Branding & Design Phases
One of the main reasons wireframes are handled separately from design or branding phases, is to allow designers (and clients) to concentrate on the meat of the matter: the journey. Once the design is developed (colors, spaces, fonts) it is difficult to ignore design elements, and time can be wasted with premature feedback. While UI design is an integral part of any website application, it is meant to support the journey. Therefore, creating wireframes in grayscale format, allows for concentration on key features before adding life to them using color.